Two existing offices at different addresses were to be amalgamated at new premises. The main stipulation of the commission was to accommodate the new offices in a two-storeyed structure. The products sold by this company, comprising computer hard- and software as well as graphics and video animation productions, were translated in this project into architectonic forms by means of various graphic, lighting engineering and plastic elements. Steel and glass were used as the basic materials to translate the innovative concerns of the company. This was further emphasised by the specific use of both artificial and natural light.
Due to the technical facilities offered by the company commissioning the project, it was possible to simulate and check the computer-aided designs by means of 3D animation (in the case of some of the designs with total photographic realism) during all stages of planning. On the outside, the unity of the office is emphasised by the glazed façade extending conti- nuously over the two storeys, its black laminated glass simultaneously 'counterflecting' the company colour.